You can contact the Verification Exchange support team at or 1300 598 889, provide the required identification information to pass our security checks. Once we have verified your identity, we can raise a data dispute and check the accuracy of the data we have supplied to the 3rd party verifier against the records supplied by your employer.

Verification Exchange for Employees
Secure access to your employment income information with your permission
Speed up the provision of your employment income information. No more long waits for employers to provide this important background information when you apply for a mortgage, personal loan, credit card or other financial service.
Verification Exchange is a secure, automated service that streamlines the movement of information between employers and 3rd party verifiers. Once you give consent, a 3rd party verifier, such as a lender or a financial service provider, can request an employment income verification directly from the exchange.
How it works
Employment income verification in a few quick and easy steps

Access to your employment income information is provided to the Verification Exchange® by your employer.

When a 3rd party verifier needs proof of your employment income, they contact the Verification Exchange®.

With your consent, they submit a request for an Employment Income report.

Once the report is generated, it will be shared only with the 3rd party verifier.

Verification Exchange follows the privacy by design principle and globally recognised best practices in data security management.
Value for you
Our employment income verification service helps speed up a financial service application process for you by delivering automated and standardised information to 3rd party verifiers. Our secure exchange protects the integrity of your data online and helps mitigate exposure to unauthorised access.
Timely Response
Automated employment income verifications are available instantly where your employers (past and present) use the Verification Exchange. So, you can speed up your applications for mortgages, personal loans, credit cards or other financial services.
Helping you live your financial best
We empower businesses and consumers by providing information that they can trust. A quicker application decision helps reduce the stress associated with obtaining credit or other financial services and supports a consumer’s financial wellbeing.
Accuracy and Recourse
We operate with strict adherence to the Australian Privacy Act. If you wish to dispute any employment income data provided to a 3rd party verifier, you can contact us to confirm the information supplied by your employer. We only use personal information in data supplied by your employer for the limited purposes of delivering our Verification Exchange services as set out in our Terms of use and Collection Statement. If you still feel the employer’s information is inaccurate, you can then take that up directly with your employer without divulging any further information to us.
Feel confident and have control over your personal information. Your permission must be given before a 3rd party verifier can access your employment income information. Designed using best practices in data management, our Verification Exchange service incorporates numerous security measures to protect the collection and transfer of information.

Leadership in security is fundamental to our business. Verification Exchange leverages the Equifax security framework and treats security practices with utmost importance.
Employee data dispute
We link directly to an employer’s payroll data. The quality of our service is contingent upon the quality of an employer’s records. An employer controls its records and is the only party that has authority to make changes to your employee record. We provide an outsourced employment income verification function. We don’t alter information.
If the accuracy of a record is contended, we will automatically block the record while an employer confirms the record or rectifies any error. Once an employer updates its records, that updated information will feed back into our Verification Exchange service.
Frequently Asked Questions
During a dispute period your data will be automatically blocked. In this period, a verification cannot be performed as it may result in partial or incorrect information being sent to a 3rd party verifier.
You can put a block on your data (or un-block your data) by contacting the Verification Exchange support team at or 1300 598 889.
We only access or hold your employment income and history records as supplied by or on behalf of your employer. And that is only released with your consent. If you wish to access that information, you can contact the Verification Exchange support team at or 1300 598 889 and provide the required identification information to pass our security checks. Once we have verified your identity, we can provide a copy of all personal information held in Verification Exchange for you within a reasonable period after your request is made and usually within 30 days.
You can contact the Verification Exchange support team at or 1300 598 889 and provide the required identification information to pass our security checks.