Reduce fraud risk and increase speed of decision making when assessing a consumer’s employment income information. No more waiting on HR or payroll departments to provide the data you need to responsibly evaluate applications by the consumer.
Verification Exchange enables you to request an automated employment income report direct from our online platform. Home to an up-to-date source of payroll data from those employers across Australia who are contributing to the exchange, it allows for secure and more reliable due diligence.
How it works
Obtain a report on an applicant’s employment income in a few quick and easy steps

Contact the Verification Exchange team at support.au.ve@equifax.com or
1300 598 889

Complete the Verification Exchange on-boarding process

With consent from the individual, submit a request via our integrated API or web portal

Receive the individual’s employment income information

Verification Exchange follows the privacy by design principle and globally recognised best practices in data security management.
Value for you
Our standardised employment income reports are as current and accurate as an employer’s, as they are generated from the employer’s payroll data, refreshed each payroll cycle.
Helps reduce fraud
The Verification Exchange reduces the risk of fraud and potential applicant misrepresentation for you. We provide access to employment income data securely and directly from employers and their service providers.
Aids you to meet compliance obligations as well as benefit from the consistency and conformity of standardised reports.
Helps improve the application process
Be better equipped to make the right decision about whether to approve an applicant’s request for a service. Receive employment income information quickly and securely.

Leadership in security is fundamental to our business. Verification Exchange leverages the Equifax security framework and treats security practices with utmost importance.
Contact us to learn more about how
Equifax Verification Exchange can help your business
Manually verifying employment income is a time-consuming, unsafe and risk-inherent activity. It impacts the quality and efficiency of the credit risk assessment process.
With automated employment income verifications, you can:
- Enhance your consumer experience
- Accelerate the speed to decisions
- Reduce the chances of application and payslip fraud
It's time to move to Equifax Verification Exchange and realise the benefits of automated employment income verifications.
How do I contact Verification Exchange support?
You can contact the Verification Exchange support team at support.au.ve@equifax.com or 1300 598 889.