fit2work will conduct a check through the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to ensure that the applicant is an authorised AFS licence holder. Any business or person that offers or advises you about financial product must hold an Australian Financial Services (AFS) licence.

Financial Responsibility Checks
Order a search of ASIC, AFS and APRA. fit2work’s financial responsibility checks are fast and thorough.
fit2work’s financial responsibility check uncovers details about an individual’s licences, authorisations and qualifications as to whether they can be trusted with financial matters. Information is sourced from the Australian Securities Investment Commission (ASIC), Australian Financial Services (AFS) and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).
Our intuitive online platform gives you the convenience of a single centralised place to order and record financial services information. Set up auto-generated checks for continuous monitoring at whatever level is required by your business. Use our automated workflows and custom reporting tools to stay on top of compliance. It’s all part of the end-to-end support we offer across the customer and employment lifecycle.
How to get started
Get the certainty of a reliable screening solution. Reveal the whole story with a fit2work financial responsibility check.
fit2work undertakes a search of ASIC’s register of Australian Financial Services licensees to validate whether the candidate holds an AFS licence or is authorised as a representative by an AFS licensee.
Under the Financial Services Reform (FSR) Act, an AFS licence is required if an entity is providing, or intending to provide, financial services.
APRA oversees banks, credit unions, building societies, life insurance, friendly societies, general insurance and reinsurance companies and most members of the superannuation industry. fit2work will check an individual’s APRA qualification or disqualification from important roles within the Australian authorised deposit-taking, general insurance and superannuation industries due to conviction for an offence involving dishonest conduct or bankruptcy.
Australian Securities Investment Commission (ASIC) Banned and Disqualified Register contains details on people disqualified from managing an organisation under the Corporations Act.
In addition to determining restrictions from managing corporations, we also determine AFS banned / disqualified persons, banned securities representatives and banned future representatives.
We also advise of previous roles held and appointment and cessation dates.
fit2work will conduct a check through the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to confirm a candidate’s credit registration before engaging in credit activities under state and territory legislation.
fit2work conducts this check to reveal if the candidate has ever been subject to undertakings accepted by ASIC and enforceable in a court. An undertaking is generally accepted by ASIC as an alternative to civil or administrative action where there has been a contravention of the legislation administered by ASIC.
Yes, the fit2work platform offers a single centralised place to order, track and manage more than 100 different background checks. It helps business mitigate and manage risk in a changing human resource environment by providing support across the entire employee lifecycle, from initial hiring through to separation.
With seamless integration into your existing onboarding and due diligence programs, the fit2work platform offers a range of customisable tools to suit your business needs. It’s a fast and easy-to-use service that certifies employees are compliant, up to date and fit to work – all from a single dashboard.
fit2work began processing background checks in 2008 and today we are one of Australia’s leading providers of online screening services. With years of experience, we are experts in mitigating and managing employment risk. Government departments and corporations around Australia look to us as a respected and trusted source of advice and innovative solutions.
There is far more value in conducting a financial responsibility check if you have a plan for what you’re going to do with the results. Preparation and strategy is a crucial part of using background checks to benefit your business. fit2work pre-screening and employment lifecycle processes can integrate seamlessly with organisational policies and procedures.

Interested in a packaged solution?
If running individual checks is not enough for your business we offer an integrated solution. Get in touch with us to discuss these solutions or visit our Workforce Mangement Solution website.
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