The turnaround is between 1 to 5 working days.

Professional Membership Check
Confirm the professional membership status listed on a candidate’s resume is correct. fit2work checks are fast and accurate.
Feel confident hiring candidates knowing their professional memberships check out. fit2work’s detailed membership verification includes contacting appropriate professional institutions to verify the accreditations are current and accurate.
Expect results within 1 to 5 working days, with progress fully trackable through our centralised online platform. Seamlessly integrate your existing pre-screening processes into a single dashboard to improve the efficiency of your workflow. Gain the control you need to make important employee selection decisions.
How to get started
Get the certainty of a reliable screening solution. Find out how our fast and efficient professional membership checks can help mitigate risk and strengthen your business integrity.
Yes, the fit2work platform offers a single centralised place to order, track and manage more than 100 different background checks. It helps business mitigate and manage risk in a changing human resource environment by providing support across the entire employee lifecycle, from initial hiring through to separation.
With seamless integration into your existing onboarding and due diligence programs, the fit2work platform offers a range of customisable tools to suit your business needs. It’s a fast and easy-to-use service that certifies employees are compliant, up to date and fit to work – all from a single dashboard.
fit2work began processing background checks in 2008 and today we are one of Australia’s leading providers of online screening services. With years of experience, we are experts in mitigating and managing employment risk. Government departments and corporations around Australia look to us as a respected and trusted source of advice and innovative solutions.
There is far more value in conducting a professional membership check if you have a plan for what you’re going to do with the results. Preparation and strategy is a crucial part of using background checks to benefit your business. fit2work pre-screening and employment lifecycle processes can integrate seamlessly with organisational policies and procedures.

Interested in a packaged solution?
If running individual checks is not enough for your business we offer an integrated solution. Get in touch with us to discuss these solutions or visit our Workforce Mangement Solution website.
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