Veda Credit Reporting Annual Report 2015/2016

Clause 23.11 of the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014 (CR Code) requires a Credit Reporting Body, such as Veda, to publish a report (Annual Report) annually on its website that includes the following information:
• Statistics relating to access requests, corrections, complaints and serious credit infringements;
• A summary of our monitoring and auditing activities;
• Statistics relating to comprehensive credit reporting, such as the disclosure of consumer credit liability information and repayment history information; and
• Any other information requested by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner from time to time.
This Annual Report has been prepared in accordance with the requirement of clause 23.11 of the CR Code for the period 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016.

File attachments

Credit Reporting Annual Report (2015-2016)