How does a data breach happen?


Data breaches can occur in a number of ways:

  • lost or stolen hardware including laptops, tablets, phones and removable storage devices, as well  as paper records containing personal information
  • storage devices being disposed of or returned to lease companies without the contents being erased. This can include hard disk drives and other digital storage media (integrated in other devices, for example, multifunction printers, or otherwise)
  • databases containing personal information being ‘hacked’ into or otherwise illegally accessed by individuals outside of the agency or organisation
  • employees accessing or disclosing personal information outside the requirements or authorisation of their employment
  • paper records stolen from insecure recycling or garbage bins
  • personal information mistakenly being provided to the wrong person, for example by sending details out to the wrong address, and an individual deceiving an agency or organisation into improperly releasing the personal information of another person