Features & Benefits

For years you’ve trusted Equifax to deliver the most accurate and comprehensive credit history insights. We can now complete that picture with MOGOPLUS by providing income checks and expense tracking to allow instant decisions to be made.

The cost savings are clear. A simple analysis of time saved, thanks to slashing manual handling costs with this often fully automated process, is easily measured.

MOGOPLUS also offers a competitive advantage to build your portfolio.

You will have the power to:

  • Improve the customer experience

    The streamlined application process is easier and faster for the customer.

  • Speed up turnaround time

    Your customers will love having a decision made quicker than your competitors.

  • Make better decisions

    With more trustworthy, up-to-date information, you can increase acceptance rates and reduce bad debts.

  • Combat fraud

    The customer drives the process but cannot view or edit the results.

  • Pay only for what you need

    You pay for successful MOGOBankConnect applications only.

  • Increase referrals

    A new customers’ first experience with the brand will give the impression you’re easy to work with. This brand credibility can lead to more referrals from happy customers.

  • Comply with regulations

    The automated process is NCCP-compliant thanks to sophisticated data categorisation that helps ensure responsible lending practices.